My favourite instance for coincidence is from my own life! Owing to our father's constant pressure from very young age of our life, we (myself, and my two elder brothers) always strived hard to get good marks in studies. My eldest brother, Anup, took to getting 1st rank as a habit. Due to different schooling structure in Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu, Anup had to forgo 2 years of schooling. As a result, he and my other elder Arpit studied in same class from 1st standard onwards. But, this difference of schooling structure did not hamper him from getting the better of Arpit in studies. This paved way for constant competition between both my elder brothers. Try however hard, Arpit couldn't beat Anup until the 4th standard. It was 2nd mid-term tests, and Arpit outdid Anup by a whisker! getting 468/500 with Anup getting 467/500.

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Now starts the funny part! I wasn't so good in studies right from LKG. Anup took to being the mentor for me. He instilled in me the habit of getting up early in morning for studying and also guiding me on various aspects of life. I improved in studies and even getting 2nd rank in 3rd standard, but still couldn't get the elusive 1st rank. It became almost a feverish wish to achieve 1st rank somehow. And then it happened! I got the 1st rank in 4th standard. Guess what! It was in 2nd mid-term. It doesn't stop here. Yup, you guessed it.. I got 468/500 and beat the 2nd rank holder by 1 mark! It doesn't end here too! The 2nd rank holder was my relative, who used to get 1st rank often just like Anup!
Hmmm Strange coincidence Sundeep... :)
yup.. glad u appreciate it! :)
glad we don't have marks where we work.
Very well written! what a great conincidence which led you to number position..why dont we have those in our life? anyways..interesting story of three brilliant Bros...keep writting intresting to read!!
Hey sundeep,
Good naration dude. I am lucky that i dont have relative like this to beat me :)
even am glad that there are no marks :)
Thanks a lot :) It encourages me to write more! :)
Thanks for dropping by.. and thanks for the compliment :)
Very nice post, Sundeep. Only one thing that keeps the fire burning in our hearts is competence.
It was quite funny though. The coincidence part i mean. :-)
Keep writing! :-)
Nice one.. Funny and interesting.. :-)
well said, "competence" brings out the best..
thanks for the comment :)
glad u like it :)
thanks for visiting :)
Cool... Donno how you remember these.. :)
there are plenty of memorable events in everyone's life :)
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