Monday, August 15, 2016

Book review - July 2016

Frenzy reading to finish off Belgariad series - 4 books in less than 6 days. And then reading The Complete Adventures of Feluda Vol 1 was pedestrian to say the least. Not sure if I'll finish it, so far two adventures read. Very much inspired by Sherlock Holmes.
Rating scheme is based on goodreads: 
             liked it
really liked it
Queen of Sorcery

Much similar to first book - lots of journeying, a fight here and there, picking up pace towards second half of book and ending with a bang

We also see our hero showing signs of magic and a promise of more to come... same goes for world-building, which seems to blend with all the riding and sailing... I quite like the dynamic of various members of traveling group, each having a distinct characteristic.. the new additions to the group had grand entry for themselves, not immediately likeable perhaps but there's more than that meets the eye on first glance

Magician's Gambit

another easy read and fast paced.. quite liking David's writing style, love those small moments/events not particularly important to storyline but brings smile to read about

more members to quest crew, again difficult at first and slowly user gets used to them.. more rock magic please and Aunt Pol's dear rebukes are endearing
Castle of Wizardry

things moved in quite expected directions.. we get hint of our hero growing up bit more and using sorcery..

again, I liked the nice little side events as prophecy gets tiresome


Enchanters' End Game

Finally, the end game couldn't come sooner

I thought the start to the final book lacked pace, but did have David's nice little side event additions

And then the war starts in earnest and the crescendo finishes with much expected climax.. I quite liked the touches to round up some of the events and epilogue was satisfying

Book title links and images courtesy goodreads

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